I decided to create this blog to keep up with my gardening information. As a novice gardener myself, I sometimes have trouble finding advice, the best methods, how-to's and other gardening info that I generally need or would like to know, therefore I have decided to create a gardening journal to track my progress and share my findings with others! Please feel free to post your comments and share your advice on individual subjects that you may know about.
My gardening passion is roses. I enjoy growing all types of flowers including crotons, coleus and just about anything else. However, my main focus is my roses. I have an niche for them and plan on hybridizing and hopefully coming up with a few new roses of my own. I will be tracking my rose hybrids in a blog of their own but I will be updating info here as well.
My gardening passion is roses. I enjoy growing all types of flowers including crotons, coleus and just about anything else. However, my main focus is my roses. I have an niche for them and plan on hybridizing and hopefully coming up with a few new roses of my own. I will be tracking my rose hybrids in a blog of their own but I will be updating info here as well.
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